Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Big Three Activities

I'm reminding myself of a simple routine to do for myself to reach my own personal goals, right before I go work in the afternoon at a business. Right after completing those three tasks for myself, I would then have time to go after more worthwhile long-term goals in mind and be able to run personal errands. I think this is a great and simple way to balance out on being a task-oriented or goal-oriented person.

The power of three makes it not to complicated and not to banal to think about completing. I mean, what if it could be done in any order; just pick your preference each morning. I think some people could possibly even do a list of top 10 activities they can't live without and maybe, drinking coffee would be one of them!

Mine is a pretty simple list and crazy at the same time. I have only three main things I must do, while keeping in check that it's always subject to change. The three things are for me right now: working out on a daily basis, learning a language, and doing some trading. I actually have a fourth one I'm trying to add in currently and that's just listening to a little bit of the New King James Bible each morning, which has been recorded by Hollywood actors and is a pretty refreshing sound that could be used like a bedtime story for me, if I wanted it to be.