Saturday, December 21, 2013

Becoming Humble At Taking Risks

By learning all that I can, I believe that I might not be able to handle so well with the idea of becoming a winning poker player. Getting into the world of professional gambling may be fun, but it's just too risky for me and also is something I just can't factor into my lifestyle anymore.

I'm starting to gain this high interest of investing to earn a high amount of potential profit. It's only little by little for me, and it's going to take a lot more time but I have faith that it's eventually going to come together. No longer am I about investing in learning products; I want to go out and gather the free material that is out there and put together a system that is well suited for me. I'm ready to take the scary journey of doing it mainly on my own, and I'll take the free advice that professionals are willing to offer me in exchange for a transaction we could both be happy in settling with.

My mom told me that a true business man never spends and just keeps on spending because it won't generate profit. In order to have a business, there needs to be some form of income which will make profit. This is what a business is all about; it's about making profit and no matter how much bad feelings I have from thinking negatively about it and how life should be about finding fulfillment and joy with some working routine, it's pretty much the cut and dry approach.