Friday, December 27, 2013

Simple Plans

Basically, that one church which screwed me over with nice people becoming annoying with me all of a sudden, yeah, I'm not going to be trying to still attend that church anymore. There's no benefit for me to fight so hard for that position; it won't even help me out that much in the long run anyway. I'm just going to let them go now. If they want a piece of me still, then I'll be available for them, but I totally doubt it because they are really fed up with me! I even learned that it's really all about communicating right since it mainly dealt with distressed and irrational people, but I understand this portion now.

That being said, I'm planning on engaging in some personal Bible studies; not so intense, but just enough to keep up with my intrigue in the Scriptures. I'm planning on doing it daily and then even trying out this whole prayer thing for the people in this world out of desiring to know real and fulfilling love.

Boy, I'm going to go really crazy with investing and still try to complete my temporary projects of trying to learn a language and gain some skills as a physician's assistant and a computer network expert. I still have other backups that I could get into also, so it seems like everything is set in place with pursuing after a pretty enriching and healthy life. I'm working out too on a daily basis and looking to get a six-pack someday! It's just being consistent and keeping up with it, no matter how badly the day just got to you. Maybe, one of these days, it will be just right for me to take on a wife of my dreams.