Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Curiosity In The Wrong Places

I really need to stop being crazy and driven by my own emotions. Some people say that others need an attitude adjustment; I'm going with needing a belief adjustment. I'm going to have to do the best I can, while knowing that I'm not fully capable of functioning correctly sometimes. Anyhow, the whole limiting my facial expression thing and blocking out my personal feelings so I can concentrate on working actually was really helpful for me.

The basics is that I'm going to try my best to make myself not sin, but this doesn't mean I'm doing something in accordance with another person's beliefs. I'm going to just have to suck it up now and deal with the frustrating and painful emotions of my own conflicted self and just push to work a lot harder in areas that I want to be good at. Actually, I really want to be great at socializing and having decent people skills; that's where I'm leaning towards. I realize that my anger issues are really habitual and don't get all sporadic; I'm actually aware of those angry feelings now and I'm dealing with it by choice of just communicating and apologizing for being a harassing dork to the person. I don't want to become like a drill instructor and start yelling and then chewing out the person- it's just not my style, but I'm still crazy when the other person does that to me from having emotional problems they can't set aside.