Friday, April 25, 2014

What's At Stake With Relationships

I learned something confidently about relationships. In general, it doesn't matter what you did in the past as long as it won't interfere with your current one. So yeah, growing up, it didn't matter how much stupid things you did to get yourself hurt over something. It doesn't even matter how short the person is, either!  The self discovery makes me feel a lot more happier and relieved.

It really comes down to what you can put on the table for a relationship. It's actually really nice to do cute and platonic things in boyfriend/girlfriend relationships, but what about the romance? Are there sparks flying? It's a good question for me to discover the truth about. There's a saying: love makes all things possible!

For myself, I'm going to have to let go of the past when I find a life partner and focus on the relationship. I think it's just going to feel so natural and satisfying to be engaged in an intimate relationship with someone very beautiful, funny, sweet, intelligent, healthy, hard working, etc. I think for being a guy, I just need to find someone I'm very interested in and just continue to work on myself and make attempts with tying the knot. I mean from being the pursuer, I have so many different options to look at. If one person isn't responding, then maybe I could try something different another time with someone else; I could also do a little research and also be aware of my every little actions and then analyze how it's affecting the woman of interest.

After all, there's really going to have to be some form of compromise I can be very comfortable with handling. The good thing that I have as a resource is really the Holy Bible because it describes a lot about unconditional love, and I think that could play a very good role for any relationship I establish. I haven't had too much confidence in going after a girl I'm interested in, but I guess it's going to change. What a friend told me is that everyone has a different eye for catching what's appealing to them. In this case, it would be better for the guy to work on himself continuously and work at whatever relationship he's looking for.