Monday, April 7, 2014

Interesting Exercise Products

I'm going to share a little about what I've been researching on. I'm trying to become more fit than I am right now, so it seems helpful to write a little about what I discovered with my own spin on it. There is this really cool website called! They offer some very cool home products that you could use to earn a body that you have always dreamed of. I really like how it's also affordable too for the average, working citizen.

I've been looking at the Focus T25 program because it looks at doing intense exercises for only 25 minutes to get a hour long exercise. It seems to be designed for the entry level athlete, so I think it's the best place for me to start. I'm looking to purchase their health drink called Shakology which is used to replace a meal throughout the day and contains essential vitamins and minerals to help boost a person's energy, recovery speed, and weight loss. It's called the Challenge Pack, and I think it seems like an acceptable deal for me, so I'm going to give it a shot.

Honestly, I want to work my way up to becoming a very hardcore athlete and to also train under a martial arts even though I'm always going to cheat by going for a groin shot. From having done it for about three years, I noticed how my self-awareness was pretty abnormal which is good now that I think of it. I stopped practicing for so long and now I want to go back to strengthen my mind and core. I may not be the best, but man, that concentration level was at a pique that could make me micro manage myself. I think I can just sign up to go through a boot camp Karate instructor and filled with pain and mistakes of being yelled at for being stupid in class and doing everything wrong.