Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Falling Asleep

I'm becoming extremely tired right now at work after midnight. At around 1 am, my body is just ready to shut off and I can hardly stay awake. It's when I drive back home at around 3 am that I become in a very dangerous position. Last night, I just excited off a street that led me to a hotel parking lot and just dozed off there before waking up again and heading back home.

One of the bad things I've acquired is that I can sleep while standing still. My head is a little nodded off at an angle, but my body is just stabilized in place. I try my best to stay awake, but I think the technique I learned is that I need to alert my mind constantly with the environment that I'm currently interacting with. My mind will play tricks with me where I'm thinking about something realistically, but in actuality I've fallen asleep. I manage to realize this after a few seconds have passed on average, but it's hard for me to not go into sleep mode.

I really need to do something to fix it.