Sunday, December 25, 2011

Earnings I've Made

From maintaining this website, in a matter of 3 years, I've earned fifty cents. It's better than the expected two cents I was originally counting on. I guess I can just state this website doesn't really cost anybody anything so that is a win-win situation for everyone.

If I were to treat exercising like a paycheck, then I can make an analogy that I earned more dollars in my wages in comparison to amount of push ups I've done. If I make the analogy of doing push ups as making dollars, from making $25 I'm now at $46. It's not bad, considering that I increased by three repetitions after coming back for vacation. I guess I got a little stronger which isn't that bad. I think some people would be like hoping that I stop doing push ups or claim that what I'm doing is very scary to them.

However, my push up count really sucks much like possibly their amount. In the U.S. Army, there is no number of push ups that will make you stand out as the ultimate athlete, except if the athlete is female. This one female athlete in the army can do at least 100 masculine push-ups in two minutes which is insane! For all the other males, it doesn't matter what number they reach- they are still close to being a turd in basic training. Even the narcissist with a kiddie brain I spoke to started measuring up to the fact that he would have to respect a female drill sergeant- nothing like threatening he won't get paid does the job. In fact, he started adding in how he would impress them after telling him that they don't care about him and nothing would make those drill sergeants get involved in some sort of scandal with him.