Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Let's Get The Coveted 365 Posts

My mind is on its random rampage again to finish what it set out to do in the beginning. From procrastinating which really sucks a lot, I think any person who does that will lose out in a significant amount of details in their life while trying to complete an endeavor successfully. It's pretty much being forced to make compromises dealing with the amount of time that is left. It's a really painful journey and always will be- it never really prepared me for meeting deadlines that became shortened either.

There's something inappropriate about me and I know what it is but I'm not going to share. Let's just say that I want to keep this gig of mine G-rated, so I could hint a little just like how those Disney films do it. I think I gave away a lot of implications already, but then again the little ones might still have a little more thinking to do before they get it, so I guess it's not bad to treat the matter as such on this blog then.