Friday, December 23, 2011

I Should Maintain The Body And Myself

I have some things that I told myself that I would do. I need to live up to them now. Well, today I supposedly have a party that I need to attend so I'm guessing that should be a lot of fun. I need to let go of the guilt with some acts I'm not too proud of and just repent of that nature while recognizing that I'm like a new creature trying to serve God. I do feel freed from all the hassles I felt like I was dealing with nowadays.

My personality is really staying stable and capable of being pretty smooth with everybody. I just need to make some minor adjustments with myself now and then I should be set. Being home, it's hard for me to live up to the commitments that I've wanted to set out to do because I'm in a relaxed state at home. By going out the workplace, it took me nearly a month-in-a-half to adapt to a more stressful environment.

I don't want to lose the edge that I created for myself. I should be taking advantage of the situation I'm currently in. I should be trying to stay diligent with something that I really want to do and be honest about my situation while trying to be moral about stuff.