Thursday, September 4, 2014

A Few Little Things To Feel Complete

I'm doing a lot of fast paced activity to feel satisfied with my life of being a swing shift-er. What I mean by that is I work the second shift until late at night- the most I've gone up to is 3 am. I also did graveyard shift, which was actually quite fun but it was difficult to get rest during the day time. I was so tired all the time and then how my time gets shifted around all of a sudden, it made me even more tired. I was even falling asleep while standing up at work!

Those days after I think of a year or two have now passed and I'm a lot better with maintaining the discipline to stay awake. It's quite funny because all it requires is just alerting your mind to stay awake. It's like inserting yourself forcefully with the alpha waves of your brain cycle. I imagine it to be like drinking cold water imaginatively. Whenever you are tired and you have an ice cold drink of water, it feels like you have to be momentarily awake. I taught myself to do this whenever I am tired and need to stay awake, but I keep on doing it whenever I feel tired every five minutes or however instantaneously I need it. It's saved me from crashing my vehicle while driving on the side of the curb!