Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Concentration Efforts

I did a little looking up to see if I had any ADD (attention deficit disorder). I remember a female friend of mine who is a little irritating and senseless telling me that I need to look up ADD. I wonder if she was commenting on how I might have that mental problem. Actually, now that I think of it; there's another crazy girl I was cool with in the beginning; she mentioned to me with having ADD. I never really thought that would turn into a factor, but I think because of it and how I went against her boyfriend, she's no longer interested in being friends with me.

I took the test and basically answered with "sometimes" as my answer of a few of them and otherwise, I put down "never". Like why would I lose focus if I'm having so much fun with my video games and making money? It doesn't make any sense at all. I sometimes lose focus when I'm dealing with boring stuff. I guess it's just disciplining myself as a requirement then to handle all of that stupid and boring stuff.