Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Getting On With It

I have like about ten minutes to spare. I'm realizing that the sound of my piano really sucks. I need to get it tuned or upgrade it to a better sounding instrument. I'm suffering because my parents tell me that the music is horrible. I played my song I wrote on a better sounding and well-tuned piano by myself. A group of my buddies came into the sound room and beckoned me to keep playing. I just kept playing like it was no big deal and then one of them ended up recording me on his phone. He showed it to almost everybody and for the most part, the majority of them were impressed and came up to tell me about it.

I think a well-tuned instrument sound plays a large role to putting on a good concert. If it's all cranky and sounds horrific and out of tune, there's just no well to go professional with that. You might as well just go for being broke. I think I'm going to try to invest my time with finding a good keyboard, even if it's expensive so I could find some space to deal with it. Eventually though, I want to become a proud owner of a grand piano and have fun playing all the good classics that I just become excited over.