Monday, September 1, 2014

Anything Now

I'm really taking a little bit of my time right now to write anything that's on my mind now. I'm pretty much locked in from having committed myself to put something on this blog. I think that's where the magic might happen for me. It's when I really decide to put forth a consistent effort then I'm able to experience the fruits of the labor and not really mind the hardships I went through in the past.

I have this initial start-up fear of doing stuff sometimes and get overwhelmed to try new things. I don't think I should really let them debilitate me. I think bravery for me is just being upfront about a lot of stuff. Not a lot of people try that hard, so standing out might be a pain because I don't want to work that hard too. I guess it comes down to knowing what you want and having pride over some things that actually count in life.