Friday, April 20, 2012

Before I Go Rest

I guess I have had some people e-mail me from viewing my blog and asking me to promote them. I don't know why- maybe, it was something random. I've only had two people ask me that in my five years from blogging and that's pretty horrible. Oh well, so I decided to disregard those e-mails- I think it was from some French people who were asking me. I guess those Europeans probably thought my blog could be well-worthy or something weird like that. What I really think is that I don't know and I can only guess- they probably just picked a random site and found my page and never visited this site again to be gone like the wind.

It's pretty funny with the incidents I've been through- it's really all about the perspective. Those dummies who I wrote about in the past probably had a very fixated mind and couldn't get out of something they didn't want to let go. It was like some concept they had in mind and couldn't even explain to me very cleanly. I guess anger makes some people do some stupid stuff every once in awhile.

Anyhow, I did play a very influential role in their lives to probably make them crash and burn. It wasn't really my intention in the beginning but after taking in so much of their nonsense I had to figuratively burn some rubber. This is actually quite fun to write like this- I can see how it's really dry humor and cheesy but it's just so funny.  I guess I'm really laughing inwardly about this stuff that I'm covering lately. It's just really healthy to do and makes the days go by better. I understand that bad people need to have their fun every once in awhile, and if they are not doing anything illegal in that moment of space and time then good for them! I've said a lot of stuff that just probably means air so it's like they just assume stuff because they are so mad- they lose track of themselves. I now see this in people and understand where they're coming from even though I might feel so angry and frustrated at certain people sometimes.