Sunday, April 8, 2012

We All Have Our Critics

In some shape or form, no matter how much we want to make ourselves appear plain so that nothing bad could ever happen to us; there's always something that will come up short. What about we come up short in ever seeing bad things from happening- I'm sure some people  wouldn't understand what I mean by it and might concur with it being nice. What I'm coming to understand these days is just getting a reasonable outlet to express ourselves. Again, one of my female friends states she is crazy about expressing affection with an individual because she desires it a lot. It all depends on what the person is about, I guess. I've come to personally accept the pains I've grown up with going through puberty which is actually pretty funny when other males hear about it.

For the most part, I don't feel this sense of dread of being left out anymore and when it pops up in the back of my head, I just don't care about it so much. It's probably a sign of having grown up in personally dealing with others through everything. In other words, translating this to a very narrow personal application of my life- trying to constantly ask Annie Tran or Betty Lam might not really be worth it. It's not because I'm being racist- I used to hate the Japanese from being Asian and against their Imperialistic cultur starting back from the World War II era but then again some Japanese women are pretty friendly so I guess they can't go wrong there for the most part in developing decent relationships with the right setup.

If I don't hate on Asian women because I'm Asian then I guess I'm not being racist for saying something negative about the personality types of females like Annie and Betty. I am also being honest and in a way it's really true who they are according to my perspective so might as well have fun with it because no matter how angry or annoyed I feel with them, I have to accept the fact that they are people with recognized rights in this country we live in!