Monday, April 23, 2012

Coming To Heart's Acceptance

I believe that there are a lot of gray areas in life that people in general would have to learn to deal with. What I mean is that, the consideration could be taken as good or bad depending on how the person feels about the issue. Therefore, we have so many personalities in this world today because of the different experiences and life-style choices we decide to make in our daily living. I, myself, have had to battle with these anxieties of not wanting to really offend anyone because during those times, I really longed for social acceptance with people. I was considered to be weird while in high school and through my early years in college. I even felt left out because I was like totally disregarded and then again, I seemed to also put on some good impressions towards some beautiful young females!

All of these issues that I've grown up with, I'm starting to learn to not fall in despair when things are just not going well for me. Along with trying to stay moral in things that count, I think it's reasonably fair to conclude that it's normal for a person to struggle with making end's meet. Having uncontrollable addictions is something that needs to be recognized by the people involved in it and they won't be helped until they accept the situation they are in and actually try. What has really worked for me all along has been to be comfortable on the inside with the usual stuff that goes on in my life and to be completely honest when I'm speaking to others.