Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sometimes Things Go Well

Okay, this is starting to get a little boring for me right now. Anyhow, I'm just typing away again and going to be talking about anything. I guess from having thought the same stuff over and over again without going bonkers and writing those kind of things on this blog has helped me to find some sensible resolve in my actions. What's cool for me is that I can now accept some of those who upsetted me in the past from not being at the same location anymore. I usually have this feeling of wanting to show them up for being wrong somewhere and just telling them directly about it.

About this whole drive of pioneering, I understand that it should really be driven by common sense. I think I was just being dumb and not really thinking because probably I put myself in a desparate situation and felt like I had to do something about it. It's like for one of my female friends who really craves attention a lot from a boyfriend and so when she's alone, she feels really out of sync. I'm realizing that my reading comprehension level is rising to a state where I don't really mind sitting there anymore and intaking some form of concept out of a book. It feels a lot more comfortable for me and I realize the benefits of becoming more book smart.

In fact, from having this feeling of becoming book smart it really benefits my writing in a way too because my mind is recalling more things a little sharper so that would mean more resources at my disposal when I desire to use them. A full-out point of view seems to arise from knowing a few main agendas that come out of each side and then placing value on what seems to be universally moral. In a way, commentaries seem to be holistic and it's something I use to get a more objective picture about some controversy that stirs up. Obviously, it seems like most controveries are not really that big for what it's worth and that others try to use them just to earn a living which is something you really can't do anything about. Anyhow, some of those things are what a crowd of people want to buy into and also, for myself it seems worth laughing about at times.