Friday, May 22, 2015

Embarrassing Things

If I have the confidence to not really care and to still hold my ground from communicating my problems, then I don't see what the problem is in holding myself back now. I think it's actually healthy to let out all those raw emotions before the person who is causing them with you. I come across as a calm and assertive person because I'm holding back from like trying to cuss them out. You know what I mean? No, you wouldn't. I don't believe in cussing, but I'm talking about shouting and yelling and hurting the other person's feelings by doing that. I was holding all of those feelings back, and now I just don't feel bad about doing it if they are the ones to do it to me first.

Yeah, I'm really annoying but something you can't really judge by feeling that way when I'm very deliberate with my methods of bothering people. Maybe, I should really be intentional this time with everything of not really caring about people's thoughts or feelings over the matter that's bugging me. The only thing that's keeping me from going on something like a bloody rampage is from being a Christian. That's all I can say really. Other than that, shouting and screaming at them is all fun and games to me while I'm angry now. I'm not afraid to get at someone's face and let myself burn with the anger from being indignant now and also to do it constantly at them.