Friday, May 22, 2015

For the Rest of My Life

For the rest of my life, it's about putting my focus on Jesus first and foremost. People around me are like supporting units, but they are going to let me down occasionally. I don't really have high hopes in them to perform well enough to keep me always happy. It's a risk worth taking though to get somewhere in life, like running a successful business.

It's being about taking the time to be considerate and not so dodgy with people. What I think is going to work for me in being successful with my career and going on a profitable run is getting a master's degree. The two-year older woman who put a restraining order on me once replied back in text, "Thank you!" More like, "Thank you for not hurting me". Just kidding. She graduated with a Master's in psychology, so that's why I think she's an idiot even more for what she did, but okay. I don't care about this, but she yelled at me and said that I was struggling with my love life and that she loved me. This was all before she went on her drive to kick me out of her life, which didn't work out for her too well. Talking about how I didn't get in trouble with the restraining order and how I went back and repeating those comments gets people to not want to talk about it with others. Their reactions are pretty funny, annoying, and met with initial hostility, but I seem to discourage a future action of them going this path with a former friend.