Sunday, May 10, 2015

Filling In That Void Feeling

I think the best way to do it is to just read the Bible and give it all to the Lord, whenever I'm feeling all numb inside and not minding the part where I end up wasting my time. Secondly, it should be something where I just take the time to pray. I think that will help me out a lot. I've never really done something like this, and it's just hitting me all of a sudden!

I don't want to get lost and carried away and then face the wraith of my own negative consequences. I've tasted what it's like to be on top of things and it's such a great feeling! I want to constantly be in that situation, so I'm going to do that then. Whenever I don't have any feelings of desiring something, I'm going to just read the Bible for a little bit and then pray.