Friday, March 16, 2012

Before I Go To Sleep

Before I go to sleep, there's somebody there. Somebody, why won't you leave me alone? Why won't you take your buttocks back home? Basically, I'm sitting here typing away in an air-conditioned room that's set up like a dorm and I'm going to a school while getting paid for it. On top of that, I don't have to pay for any food or the lodging; furthermore, I pretty much get like my own fitness trainer and get to maintain my weight and have a decent level of physical level. All of this comes with a price of course which is leaving home. That's pretty much the most expensive cost to this whole venture I'm partaking in.

I actually have a monthly salary which is like a first for me. In a sense, it's not really that bad and I wouldn't mind increasing my salary just like probably any practical human being wouldn't mind getting. I remember professors at my college demanding a raise in their salary. I was like what the heck. Okay it's getting dark in here because my roommate turned off the lights. Time to sleep.