Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Living Water

Water is basically a substance made from combining hydrogen and oxygen and held together in a liquid state. It helps people live because they get thirsty sometimes and if no water is intaked then pretty much the person might dehydrate and possibly catch a heat stroke or something worse. It's pretty much something that helps regulate the body's temperature and also ensure the blood is circulating properly.

I just typed that description up from the top of my head. It's just making me laugh a little because it sounds really cheesy to put on this blog. I pretty much have nothing else to put so I'm just typing about random stuff for laughs. Jesus in the Bible claimed that he knew of something called living water- the type of water where no man would never need to thirst again once he drank it. Jesus was referring to something really spiritual- a type of contentment that is difficult to obtain in this world without first accepting the state our personal lives are participating in.

Jesus pretty much claimed to be the savior of this world; no matter how many times doubters want to say Jesus did not claim to be God or did not exist or whatever to offset the beliefs of the population, the concept of Jesus just doesn't end. In fact, Jesus is cited as being the most important figure in Western History and on top of that, there's also Easter and Thanksgiving to worry about besides just Christmas or what some people want to state X-mas because it offends them.

It's too bad for some people that Jesus can't be profiled as a nut like some renowned philosophers or religious leaders have been prone to. Oh yeah, there's a lifestyle that Jesus lived which was pretty much dirty because obviously he didn't wash his body for about thirty days completing a fasting ritual. On top of all this, witnesses state Jesus taught new concepts that blew the water off of contemporary religious concepts back in the day. No matter how much contradictions want to be stated; it converges into painting a historical and reliable picture of Jesus. It's just so much that accepting it based on these reasonable and historical observances can be seen as common sense.