Monday, March 19, 2012

Now Putting It Together

It took so long to place everything together. I guess I can share this on this blog because it seems like it doesn't matter how unique my ideas are because everyone isn't going to be able to follow what I'm doing. I'm just sharing what I've been up to because it's just pouring in some type of contribution to the idea department. I pretty much paid for it with my experience so whatever I feel comfortable about revealing, that's what I'm doing on this blog.

I see how I'm going to be able to build my resume now. Because I sold my old car which I got used to driving away and had some fun with, I pretty much cranked that baby up and had to let it go because it was not going to go anywhere. I'm glad there was a buyer who took it in- I dented it up too a little but got away with minor stuff. It's one of those things you never know what happened and thought you were lucky, but unfortunately, it just went there. Besides, the damage I caused was minimal so turning into a professional driver seems like a reasonable thing I could accomplish with plenty of dedication and hours going into it.

Since I have an I.T. degree technically and not doing anything with it, the heck with it I'm going to drive a school bus part time to have enough money to pay my bills and then volunteer for an organization that doesn't want to pay an I.T. professional. There would be no strings attached and it would look good on my resume anyway. Possibly, creative in fact. I'm also going in for a leadership role later at this one job I'm doing- I'm getting paid for the training and getting free food and lodging with it. It's pretty cool, but feels a little stale. I want to go back home now and start doing something better with my life. I'm glad the paid training and everything is going to amount to some managable job I could do and be able build some reputable resume. Also, I have two main independent contractor jobs related to my I.T. that I could also take advantage of to build my experience and in turn, become a really strong candidate for the I.T. world. I guess I didn't see how well I had it; it's so much easier when a person finds something and commits to it for something positive and then coming back to it again. It just made things make more sense for me.