Thursday, March 1, 2012

Unique Workout

I actually have a workout that doesn't require a gym or any investment in equipment. For being a starter or intermediate athelete, I believe that's where most of us are. It's mainly having the dedication to give into working out- I know how hard it is to will the mind to do something that's hard and uncomfortable. However, when those emotions are conquered for doing something really beneficial and turns out to make the person happy then I guess that's what a part of success means.

Here's my work out, it feels really fast to get through it which means explosiveness and also it's very challenging for what it appears. It's like the concept is really easy, but difficult to master- as an analogy, easy to play but hard to master competitive games are the most addicting.

First off, do as many pushups as possible in 35 seconds. Be sure to have a wristwatch or something similar to a stopwatch to time yourself. Count the number of repetitions. Once you have done that- the result will be in that in two minutes, you will potentially be able to complete twice as many if you choose to continue working out. Sometimes, the body will give in more or less- it's just completely naturally.

Secondly, take a 55 second break and then put yourself in a push up stance with four points of contact. Basically leaning backwards will provide some stable rest. Once another 5 seconds have elasped totaling a minute, begin doing the first number of repetitions again. Ideally, it should be 45 seconds which would mean you are in good shape. However, if you're pushing yourself above your current max- it's okay to take small breaks as long as you complete the reps throughout the whole workout.

Thirdly, take another 55 second break and then get in the push up resting stance. Once 5 seconds have passed, begin doing more reps than the first set. This will be very challenging and the muscles will wear out. However, completing it will be the challenging part and provide a very stable workout. Ideally it should be completed in 1 minutes and 20 seconds.

Don't believe me? Try it out, you'll see how hard it is to do these push up drills. After finishing the third set, then do plenty of situps that would take awhile. Ideally, it's good to have someone hold your feet and test how many you can do in two minutes. This will be a good guage in how situps you should do. Let's take for example, the person did 50. The next step would be to subtract the total situps by 5 so the person would be doing 45 per round of doing those pushups.

Do two rounds of those pushups followed by situps and you will have a strong workout. If the person is very highly developed, then make it three rounds. For most people, two rounds will develop plenty of muscular endurance and strength. Do this every other day three times a week and take a 48 hour break on the last day- for example, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.