Sunday, March 4, 2012

Suiting Up And Getting Somewhere

I am pretty happy about where I am in that when I give my full effort to get something done then more often than not even if I fail during that moment, I can go back to it later to catch up if I want to. Anybody has this potential, there's this guy who is pretty much a dumb guy- a dummy I should say. The dummy took a basic algebra class in college and failed it five times. I told him to keep going and to not give up- there's something he's doing wrong. He showed me his homework and he was just repeating something that didn't need to be done. Like his homework was pretty much doing addition from 1+1 until he got up to adding 10 digits. That is really time consuming and he was saying the reason why he failed the class is because it's baloney.

Okay, from this example, don't be a dummy and then become stubborn as a mule about it. Man up and feel the pain of failure and then examine what could be done to bring yourself back up. Don't just soak in anger and bitterness and not listen to anyone and then start becoming unsociable. It's just so unpleasant because he has actually been rejected by all the women he's tried to form a relationship with. He's in it for the wrong reason and creating babies is what he's afraid of even with contraceptives lying around, so he's really screwed for being a bitter dummy and making slightly retarded jokes to make himself laugh.

He's like at a point of return where his personality isn't going to change. Being around a lot of frustrating co-workers, I guess I've learned how to laugh to let stuff go now. I can seriously damage people with the details I cover because I'm being truthful about it and not really committed to doing anything with them. In fact, this form of critique is something that I do to let go of my steam and to laugh at the person so I can still fight to form a relation with the person and try to be nice to; regardless of how annoyed I get by him.