Sunday, March 11, 2012

For What It's Worth

I mentioned a few posts back that it was important for me to some online classes. Now, I realize they wouldn't serve me really any purpose except just tickle my brain cells. There's no reason for me to take them because they would absolutely be useless from where I'm at right now. Until the day I reach a profession that would require me to obtain a Master's, I'm not really going to go after it. I know that I have the mental capacity to obtain one, but it would just be too much of a costly transaction for me while I need to make some end's meet.

Perhaps, when I have everything I need and have all the time in the world, then maybe I might go for practicing medicine so I can operate on weird people and tell them why their body is so messed up for laughs! Basically what you eat sometimes is what you get- tons of blubber. Hey, I would also want to care for regular people too. It would be easy to see that a mean person is a regular person too if he or she writes a big check. It's just the way it is.