Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Seeing Doors Open

I believe that I might have made a wise decision with where I'm headed. By simply initiating things that I solely desire and yes, keeping it in alignment with Scriptures, I see myself improving and on my way to becoming one of the best at it. I read a pretty good illustration; it's like learning to ride a bicycle for the first time- without those training wheels it may get tough. It was also tough for me to transition from roller skates into roller blades. It brings good memories in learning to ride a bicycle; I can honestly state that I was a good brother during those times because I was the first one to help and watch my sister ride a bicycle. I just told her to push those pedals, and I'm lucky no driver interfered with our small street.

Okay, I had some good luck with females too- I thought I was a plain loser all this time. The effects of puberty are just about wearing off of me now; it's not really about what's on the outside when obtaining inner happiness can be obtained through true love. In a way, this also reflects somewhat with my bread winning ability too now. I'm much more confident and my emotions are becoming stable to a point where I know how to hang onto focus still and endeavor to succeed at something by meeting a perfect standard.