Wednesday, October 8, 2014

A Piano Song

I wrote a love song for a crazy girl on the piano after being inspired by some Christian music. I feel like my mind just wants to go crazy when I dwell so much about her problems she has with me. It's like I'm saying out loud to myself that she's my best friend, which is weird! Maybe my heart is being sarcastic and trying to humor itself unconsciously.

1/3 of the song is pretty much a paraphrase I took from a popular song by the Newsboys, a Christian band. I met the leader once after a concert, and he was a brat according to my first impression. He did end up signing my CD cover. I think he meant to be cool and hip with me, but I took it the wrong way that day.

I ended up doing some variation of music that I felt like playing. What my intention of those notes I played was that I wanted to give the feeling of how it would be fun if someone ever copied my song too.

Only two lines of the song is a version I took from an old boy band called Oldtown. I don't think they are around anymore. All I remember from that song is "Even at all, I'm nothing at all. There's no where else to fall." I pretty much copied those two lines but in a completely, different artistic expression. I just thought it was catchy-that's all.

With my song basically, I want to make it open for anyone to copy and distribute as they would like. I'm not interested in making money out of the song I wrote and created piano music for from pouring out my heart.