Monday, October 20, 2014

Back On A Schedule

Yesterday, I concocted a small and personal syllabus to follow for today. I didn't specify any time for each goal, but just jotted it down on my iPhone Reminders app. It worked like a charm. I'm already done with all my goals, except that I still have to brush my teeth and that's about it.

I'm being tempted into doing something stupid again, but by putting that thought aside, I'm getting other things done first! What's pretty cool is that I don't really care about how short I am now. My height doesn't seem to have an adverse effect while I'm dealing with taller women in general, so I guess it's cool then. What's even better is that appearance doesn't really matter to me, so whether a girl is a little more prettier than average or not, I don't feel shy about interacting with her. Some very gorgeous women out there are also nice, and I guess it's just a luck of the draw for settling down with one. Still, the appearance factor isn't really that important compared to the personality for me because I've actually matured in this area of relationships a whole lot.

I think what it really comes down to is really just finding and being the right person. There are so many people in this world and sometimes, it's very easy to get caught up in your own circumstances and not find a way out of those small problems.