Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Honesty Doesn't Really Kill If You Are A Good Person

If you are a great person, then you will probably run away from the bad guys and know what's wrong with everybody. Therefore, you won't be held at gunpoint for doing stupid to make that mafia leader angry. In a social and relationship setting, being honest and letting out what's inside your messed up heart and brain to the people who are irritating you might actually be healthy for you. It will probably make the other person more angrier and feel like they don't want to live anymore, if you are just that good of a person, but nonetheless, it's a great way to start out. Besides, it's just gossip-related material and the other person just being a koo-koo head with you.

Okay, so people around me can be dumb sometimes even though they have jobs that suck and pay off their bills. I enjoy my job, totally and the pay is decent enough for me. I'm an exception. I believe in Christianity where Jesus is meant to be the Savior, after having shed his blood on the cross to demonstrate his humility and love for mankind. Actually, there are more like me- the exceptional part just deals with my good fortune in having a job I like.