Thursday, October 2, 2014

Maybe Going To Improve

I think it's good that I'm writing here because it's something that's helping me in a small way. I think the best way for me to get better at something is to pretty much refrain from thinking stupid things and wasting my time from feeling weird about stuff. I just have to move on and work really hard for making myself happy and to just be patient.

I need to make some better decisions for myself and to be consistent at it no matter how hard it feels. One of the issues I have is that it's not easy for me to keep a strong routine going because it falls out a lot. I think I am really controlled by own personal desires and just want to hold on to things that bring me self-pleasure pretty much. It's not really something I'm very proud of.

One thing I've learned from tuning in to a Christian radio show is that it's normal for a person to have negative feelings or go through a period of being angry. There's absolutely nothing wrong from going through those periods, it's really all about what you do after that counts. I think it's really just a personal heart issue that everyone needs to pray about and figure out on their own.

Another thing that irritates me is how my closest buddy told me he had a dream of meeting Christ in person and then asked him a pretty stupid question, "Do I have a soul mate?" Why of all questions imaginable did he have to ask that? Anyway, my buddy referred to Christ saying that he needs to figure that out on his own. It's funny when you hear it a few times, but when it keeps getting brought up; man, it gets irritating!