Sunday, October 26, 2014

Working While Feeling Lazy

This is something that I feel a little too privileged about doing. I think I seriously need to prepare myself to be even better at the stuff I'm doing. I think becoming very efficient with the job that I'm trying to go after would eventually put me in a position to be at a very competitive edge. Yeah, I really like the idea of being better than someone and maintaining myself with a passion to always stay on top of the opposition.

I read a book about leadership, and it stated that a CEO of his company was given credit for boosting profit, but the people who worked for him and helped to make it happen didn't receive any compensation. They were told to do more better, instead of getting a pay raise. Those people ended up leaving the company and working for another competitor. Now, the company is struggling to even exist!

The book I read said that all men, big or small, are called to be leaders. Whether there's no one to lead or thousands, a man is called to take up natural responsibilities of leadership. It didn't really help me out a lot from feeling reluctant about taking up the mantel. I felt like it would be an entirely challenging and stressful task.